How Much Does It Cost To Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels?

If you have solar panels installed on your roof, you may have noticed pigeons roosting on them. Not only can pigeons cause damage to your solar panels, but their droppings can also reduce the efficiency of your panels.

Pigeon proofing your solar panels is a smart investment to protect your investment and maintain your energy efficiency. But, how much does it cost to pigeon proof solar panels in the UK?

What is Pigeon Proofing?

Pigeon proofing is the process of preventing pigeons from landing or nesting on your solar panels. This can be achieved by installing physical barriers or deterrents that make it difficult or impossible for pigeons to land or nest.

Types of Pigeon Proofing

There are several types of pigeon proofing options available, including:

  1. Mesh panels – Mesh panels can be installed around the solar panels to prevent pigeons from landing or nesting. This is a cost-effective option that is easy to install and does not require any drilling or fixing to the panels.

  2. Spikes – Spikes can be installed on the edges of solar panels to prevent pigeons from landing. Spikes are a more expensive option, but they are highly effective and can last for years.

  3. Netting – Netting can be installed over the entire roof to prevent pigeons from landing or nesting. This is a more expensive option, but it is highly effective and can last for many years.

How much does it cost to pigeon proof solar panels?

The cost of pigeon proofing solar panels will depend on several factors, including the size of your solar panels, the type of pigeon proofing option you choose, and the complexity of the installation.

  • On average, you can expect to pay between £200 to £500 for pigeon proofing solar panels.
  • Mesh panels are the most affordable option, with costs ranging from £100 to £300.
  • Spikes are a bit more expensive, with costs ranging from £200 to £400.
  • Netting is the most expensive option, with costs ranging from £400 to £1,000.

Is Pigeon Proofing Worth the Investment?

If you have solar panels installed on your roof, pigeon proofing is definitely worth the investment.

Pigeons can cause damage to your panels and reduce their efficiency, which can result in higher energy bills.

Pigeon proofing your solar panels can help to protect your investment and maintain your energy efficiency, saving you money in the long run.

In addition to the financial benefits, pigeon proofing your solar panels can also improve the appearance of your home.

Pigeons and their droppings can be unsightly and unsanitary, so preventing them from roosting on your panels can help to keep your home looking clean and well-maintained.

To conclude

The cost of pigeon proofing will depend on several factors, including the size of your solar panels and the type of pigeon proofing option you choose.

On average, you can expect to pay between £200 to £500 for pigeon proofing solar panels in the UK.

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