How To Make A Decorative Pottery Flower Vase On The Wheel?

If you’re looking for a fun and creative activity to try at home, why not try making a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel? This project may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and techniques, anyone can create a beautiful vase that will brighten up any room.

Materials Needed

Before we get started, you’ll need a few materials. You’ll need a pottery wheel, clay, water, a sponge, a pottery rib, a wire cutter, a wooden tool, and some glaze. You can purchase all of these materials at a local pottery supply store or online.

Step 1: Prepare the Clay

The first step is to prepare the clay. Start by kneading the clay to remove any air bubbles. Then, shape the clay into a ball and place it on the pottery wheel. Use your hands to center the clay on the wheel and begin to shape it into a cylinder.

Step 2: Form the Vase

Once the clay is centered, use your hands to shape it into a vase. Begin by gently pressing down on the clay to create a flat base. Then, use your thumbs to create a depression in the center of the clay. Use your hands to pull the clay upwards and shape it into the desired vase shape.

Step 3: Trim the Base

Once you’ve formed the vase, it’s time to trim the base. Use a pottery rib to gently scrape away excess clay from the bottom of the vase. This will create a smooth base and ensure that the vase sits flat.

Step 4: Add the Finishing Touches

Now it’s time to add the finishing touches. Use a wooden tool to create any decorative patterns or textures on the surface of the vase. Then, use a wire cutter to remove the vase from the pottery wheel.

Step 5: Let the Vase Dry

After you’ve finished shaping and trimming the vase, it’s time to let it dry. Allow the vase to air dry for a few hours until the clay is firm to the touch.

Step 6: Glaze the Vase

Once the vase is dry, it’s time to glaze it. Apply a thin layer of glaze to the entire surface of the vase using a brush. You can use any color of glaze that you like to create the desired effect.

Step 7: Fire the Vase

After the glaze has dried, it’s time to fire the vase in a kiln. This will give the vase its final strength and durability. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for firing the clay, and allow the vase to cool completely before handling.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind as you make your decorative pottery flower vase:

  1. Keep the clay wet: It’s important to keep the clay wet throughout the process. This will make it easier to shape and prevent it from cracking.

  2. Use a sponge: Keep a sponge on your hand to wet the clay as you work. This will help you maintain the right level of moisture and prevent the clay from drying out too quickly.

  3. Start small: If you’re new to pottery, start with a smaller vase. This will give you a chance to practice your technique before moving on to larger and more complex projects.

  4. Experiment with textures: Don’t be afraid to experiment with textures and patterns on the surface of your vase. You can use a variety of tools to create different effects, from a smooth finish to a more textured look.

  5. Practice patience: Pottery is a slow and deliberate process, so be patient as you work. Take your time and enjoy the experience of creating something beautiful with your hands.

  6. Clean your tools: After you’re finished working with your clay, be sure to clean your tools thoroughly. This will help prevent clay buildup and ensure that your tools are ready to use the next time you sit down at the wheel.

FAQs about Making a Decorative Pottery Flower Vase on the Wheel

Do I need any special skills or experience to make a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel?

No, you don’t need any special skills or experience to make a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel. However, it’s important to have patience and be willing to practice your technique.

How long does it take to make a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel?

The time it takes to make a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel can vary depending on the size and complexity of the vase. Generally, it can take several hours to complete the entire process from start to finish.

What type of clay should I use to make a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel?

There are several types of clay that you can use to make a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel, including earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. Each type of clay has its own unique characteristics, so it’s important to choose the right type for your project.

Can I use any type of glaze for my vase?

Yes, you can use any type of glaze for your vase. There are many different colors and finishes available, so choose the one that best suits your style and preferences.

Do I need to fire my vase in a kiln?

Yes, you’ll need to fire your vase in a kiln in order to give it its final strength and durability. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for firing the clay, and allow the vase to cool completely before handling.


Making a decorative pottery flower vase on the wheel can be a fun and rewarding activity for anyone. With the right tools and techniques, you can create a beautiful vase that will last for years to come. So why not give it a try? You might just discover a new hobby that you love!

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